I registered www.adamap.com two years ago, and I finally got around to pointing it to my weblog. So all you need to bookmark is www.adamap.com.
Check out the Old San Juan and St. Thomas photo albums. Couple more coming soon.
Thanks to J. Mack for a great superbowl party. Mike and Erica's baby took an active interest in the game, but much like the rest of us fell asleep during the boring and long 1st quarter. Suprisingly she slept through most of the whooping and hollering when things finally got exciting.
In other sports news Rachel and I attended the UWM vs. UW Green Bay game saturday night. It was very exciting and UWM pulled out the win. The game, held at the US Cellular arena AKA the old Mecca, had the largest regular season attendance for a UWM game at 8,100.
Here are some neat stories:
Breakthrough in cheese cuttung technology at UW-Madison.
Foldable screen technology.
Have time to kill? Penguin Baseball! Click mouse to get penguin to drop, clicl again to get the Yetti to swing. Click the 'ok' box once the penguin lands. Waiken is the chief penguin smacker.