First, the no news department. Ava Margret Parikh has not graced us with her presence yet. Rachel is really really really hoping the baby comes soon. For her it is the discomfort, for me its to stop answering "did the baby come yet?".
In the news department, I landed a new job. Starting July 17th I'll be working at National Business Furniture as the Sr. Online Marketing Analyst. I'll be handling the search engine advertising, as well as other forms of Internet marketing. It is a great opportunity for me and I am very excited to work with the top notch team in place and help get the most out of their online advertising. Get your next office chair at!
I am sad to be leaving I have had a great 5 years there with Mike and Dan Budiac and the peeps that came over from TFG, Carrie and JC. I wish them all the best and know they will continue to grow and succeed. I remember being added as the 6th person at the company and how good it felt not to cold call people. And not too long after that being able to handle the search engine side of things was the attainment of a goal in itself and the start of a whole new and ongoing education.
I'll have to dress up for work so my personal fashion consultant (my lovely wife) and I spent most of Monday the 3rd shopping for snappy clothing. I hate, not to mention cannot fit into, the clothes I wore to work 5 years ago. If any peeps are downtown and want to do lunch drop a line.